$25,000 Match Opportunity Through December 31, 2023!

As the year draws to a close, our hearts are heavy with the challenges faced by older adults. A recent report from the Public Policy Institute of California unveils a disheartening truth – a rise in poverty among those aged 50 and above, pushing many to the brink of homelessness.

Imagine the struggle of covering the rent for your simple one-bedroom apartment – let alone paying for groceries, utilities, and medical costs.

That is what many of the seniors we serve face every month.

Yet, amid these trying times, Meals on Wheels OC stands steadfast in our commitment. Our mission remains clear – to provide nourishing meals, ensuring older adults don’t have to sacrifice essentials for sustenance.

We have launched a 2023 Year-End campaign, dedicated to providing essential meals and visits to Orange County older adults. Graced by the generosity of an anonymous supporter, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $25,000, until December 31.

As we bid farewell to 2023, I urge you to contribute to our Year-End campaign. Each life-saving meal, social connection, and ounce of support we provide to the thousands of older adults in Orange County serves as a testament that we care, and they are not alone!
On behalf of the Meals on Wheels OC team and all the homebound seniors whose lives you will touch with your support, thank you!